Every perfect thing comes with a flaw and everything has its advantages and disadvantages. So when we talk about Selenium Testing, we can say it has certain drawbacks as well. To improve your Selenium experience, we have explained some of the top reasons why Selenium Test Automation Fails.
The Common Reasons Why Selenium Test Automation Fails :
1.Lack Of Proper Guidance: Finding proper guidance to know what to automate and which part of the application is to be automated first is important because if you don’t exactly plan and execute properly then it will become complicated for you to complete the testing process faster.
2. Not Having The Right Knowledge To Perform: Without the right knowledge and practice one cannot start automation testing and one cannot expect to get the perfect results. Selenium automation testing is a very skilled and complicated process to understand. So you will have to take up a proper course on how to operate certain tools.
3. Not Having To Understand The Whole System: Before starting the automation with selenium it is important to read and understand the whole application well and make sure that you have thoroughly understood the application well. Now the question is why? It is because automation testers like Selenium are used mainly for the larger faults and in that whirlwind, you might forget to dig deeper into the smaller details and understand the smaller minute faults.
4. Being Unaware Of The Guidelines: There are certain guidelines always before we start using or operating the tools. The operator and QA tester need to read through the instructions carefully because even the smallest missed detail can create a big mishap, also, it is important to perform all the activities in chronology.
Important Read: Python Automation Testing Using Selenium Tool
5. Maintaining The Technicalities: More than anything it is very important to know if the tools we are using are in working condition or not. Because certain tools are to be used once or certain tools can be reused so segregating all the tools accordingly and servicing them beforehand is very important.
6. Not Being Able To Create A Collaborative Team: It is crucial to create a team that would understand all the different aspects of testing. collaboration plays a key role in anything .for example, You have a team of developers designing the front-end, another responsible for the back-end, a team responsible for middle-ware activities. You have to be connected and keep all the teams in a loop so that they are informed of all the steps that are to be taken.
7. Not Checking The Basic Code Of The Whole Application: Sometimes we look for the problems in the complicated areas whereas the problems are hidden in plan sites. there is always a need to proofread the whole code of the program first before the detriment of the whole application for finding the errors.
The bottom line is, If you want to avoid selenium test automation failure then it is more important to involve the right mindset and experts. Using the correct Selenium Testing Tools also plays a major role in improving your selenium experience. If you would like to get your web-based application tested, contact a leading Selenium Test Automation Company today!